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Male Teacher with Students



(9:00am - 4:30pm)

ROCK Conference Community Day (1:00pm - 4:00pm)

Golf Outing (9:00am - 4:00pm)

Registration (3:30 pm - 6:00 pm) Atrium Foyer

Networking Mixer: Hosted by the Ones (7:00pm - 10:00pm) 


(8:00am - 4:30pm)

Breakfast: FLAVA Activity (8:00 am-8:50 am) 

Opening General Session (9:00 am - 10:45 am)

Winward/Starboard Ballroom

Welcome & Occasion: Hosted by L Kobie Da Wiz

Keynote Speaker: The Education Revolution: Rebuilding, Reimagining & Expanding the Village for Radical Love and Belonging (Dr. Terrell Strayhorn)

■ Panel Discussion: Rebuilding, Reimagining, & Expanding The Village (Panelists: Dr. Dennis McKesey, Dame Dash,  Sharif El-Mekki, Dr. Melissa Chester; Moderator: Dr. Marcus Jackson)

Concurrent Breakout Sessions (11:00 am - 4:30 pm)

Session 1 (11:00 am - 11:50 am)

■ Lessons from the Sole: Difficulty and Failure is Feedback (Samantha Pugh) (IS&P) Anchor

■ The Truth Shall Set You FREE (Rashad Brown (A&E) Commerce/Dockside

■ HEARTWORK: Creating a Culture of Trauma Informed Care (Dr. Kacy Shahid (A&E) Compass

■ Practices and Impact the Entire School Community" (Jamilah Hud-Kirk) (A&E) Sail Ballroom

Session 2 (12:00 pm - 12:50 pm)

■ Bridging the Gap: Integrating STEM and STEAM Education for Equitable AI Innovation in Minority Schools (Marie Desforges) (PK) Anchor

■ Transforming a School Through a Cultural & Social Justice Lens (Dr. Aresa Allen-Rochester) Commerce/Dockside

■ Make Literacy a Trend (IS&P) (Lakeisha Byrd) Compass

■ Is Teaching to the Test Really a Bad Thing? (Darlene Atkinson) (IS&P) Sail Ballroom

General Session (Luncheon): (1:00 pm - 2:15 pm) Winward/Starboard Ballroom

Greetings & Remarks by The Honorable Darryl Willie (DCPS School Board)

■ Panel Discussion: Private, Charter, & Micro Schools: Is This the Future of Education? (Mr. Robert Gresham, George Maxey, & Tunji Williams; Moderator: L. Kobie daW )

Session 3 (2:30 pm - 3:20 pm)

■ The More Things Change - The More They Say the Same. Or Do They? (Bea Lewis) (A&E) Anchpr

■ fREADdom: Literacy is a Civil Right (Stephanie Hunte) (PK) Commerce/Dockside

 Retaining & Recruiting Men of Color in Education (Dr. Jerome Mosley & Sekou Smith) (A&E) Compass

■ Grab Your Hard Hat! : Rebuilding Students for Success through Self-Esteem Small Groups (Dr. Denisha Brown) (IS&P) Sail Ballroom

■ AI, VR, and Metaverse Influences: Education is at a CrossRoads with Technology. How Do We Prepare for the Future? (William Jackson) (PK) Tug Room

Session 4 (3:30 pm - 4:20 pm)

(PK) Anchor

■ 7 Secrets of Social Emotional Learning (Tierica Berry) (A&E) Commerce/Dockside

■ Proven & Effective Strategies to Address the COVID-Slide in

Mathematics (Charles Winslow & Charles Anglade) (PK) Compass

■ Show Me The Receipts! How to Move Student Data on a Mass Scale (IS&P) (Dr. Damia Thomas) Sail Ballroom

■ Relax. Relate. Restore.: Exploring the Intersection Between Race, Social Justice, and Restorative Practices (PK) (Dr. Malik Small) Tug Room

Social Event: Night on the Town: Breezy’s or Live Bar (8:00pm - until)
Piano Practice


(9:00am - 4:30pm)

General Session: (9:00 am - 10:00 am) Winward/Starboard Ballroom

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Khalid el-Hakim: Hip Hop at 50 Presented by Black History 101 Museum

Breakout Session (10:10 am - 11:00 am)

  • Putting The Neighbor Back In The Hood: Empowering Black Boys Through Hands On Social Emotional Learning Strategies (O'nae Chatman) (PK) Anchor

  • Revolutionizing School Leadership: Aligning the Work (Dr. Sheka Houston & Dr. Tammy Taylor) (PK) Commerce/Dockside

  • Leading by Example: Exploring Work-Life Balance Strategies for School Leaders to Build Stronger

  • Breaking The Education Code: Data-Driven Instruction (Larue Fitch (IS&P) Compass

  • Removing Barriers (Akbar Cook) (A&E) Sail Ballroom

  • JUST Leadership (Dr. Rudy Jamison) (PK) Tug Room

Power Hour (11:10 pm- 12:00 pm)

○ Dr. Marcus Jackson: What's Goin On? The State of Education Commerce/Dockside

○ Principal Shawn Hurt: Your 1st Office as a Principal Should be the Classroom  Compass

Power Hour (12:10 pm- 1:00 pm)   

○ Coach Carlos: Let's Get Engaged - The Power of The Classroom Coach Commerce/Dockside

○ L. Kobie DaWiz : Putting the EACH in tEACHing: Cultivating Community Achievement in Classrooms Compass

● Roundtable Discussions (1:000 pm - 2:30 pm) (Grab & Go Lunch)

Men’s Roundtable: (Principal Kafele, Dr. Dennis McKesey, James Presley; Facilitator: ) Commerce/Dockside

Women’s Roundtable: LeadHER: Best Practices & Lessons Learned (Principals Allison Farrington, Traci Battest, & Dr. Sheka Houston; Facilitator: Tracy Oliver) Compass


Power Hour (2:40 - 3:30pm)

○ Principal James Presley: The Systems That SHIFT the Culture Commerce/Dockside

○ Dr. Chike Akua: What is the Function of Literacy & History for Our Children? Compass

Power Hour (3:40 - 4:30pm)

○ HOTEP: Why Your SEL Isn’t Working (and what to do about it) Commerce/Dockside

○ Dr. Stephanie Pasley-Henry: The Math Party: Sing! dance! exercise! Learn! Compass

(7:30pm - 12:00am)
  • 8th Annual Scholarship and Awards Formal Event (Sneaker Ball Theme)

  • ○ MC: L Kobi da Wiz & Samantha "Power" Pugh

  • ○ Keynote Speaker: Merlyna “Shero” Valentine


(10:00am - 3:00pm) Lunch (12:00pm - 1:00pm)
  • Overview:

  • Aspiring Leaders Institute (10:00 am - 3:00 pm)

  • Principal Kafele: So You Want to Be a Principal? LET'S TALK  Compass

    • ​For aspiring administrators, current assistant principals and new principals (veterans are welcome too).



Black Educators Rock, Inc.

EIN: 47-4790094


Phone: 833-423-7462

7235 Bentley Road Suite 220
Jacksonville, FL, 32256

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9th Annual ROCK Conference

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